Sunday, October 5, 2014

Family Tree: part 1

I have been wanting to make a button tree for a long time. I tried painting the tree but apparently I'm not very good at that. The Sharpie came out much better.
I really liked the color of the painted tree. My son liked the whole idea of putting buttons on the tree so I let him finish that one. My husband and I helped.
We made it our family tree.

This also gave me an idea for another tree project. To be continued...


Monday, September 29, 2014

Bow ties and pin cushion

I have been making my son these cute little bow ties. I started off sewing them by hand then my husband gave me a sewing machine for my birthday. I wanted to move on to a bigger project so I decided to make some pillows. I went to the store to get fabric and pins. I found a cute little jar filled with pins with a pin cushion on top but it was very pricey. So I made one myself.

I cut a piece of fabric into a circle bigger than the lid. Then I hot glued it to the lid leaving an opening for the plush stuffing. After stuffing it I closed the whole then glued the lid on to the lid rim. Easy peas, right? And I think it is cute. The hardest part was deciding which fabric to use.